Tim kami

Karyawan Kami Adalah Aset Terbesar Kami


Mereka terus melakukan terobosan baru di setiap kesempatan sejak masa awal industri energi terbarukan di Asia. Semangat membara mereka untuk masa depan yang berkelanjutan dikombinasikan dengan keahlian luar biasa dalam spesialisasi mereka adalah apa yang membuat Ditrolic Energy menjadi perusahaan seperti sekarang ini.


Pemimpin Perubahan


Ditrolic Energy Mendukung Orang-Orangnya Dengan Sumber Daya Tak Berujung Dan Lingkungan Kerja Yang Berkembang

Ditrolic Company Exterior

Hidup di Ditrolic Energy

Kami percaya bahwa masa depan pekerjaan lebih dari sekadar menyelesaikan pekerjaan. Kami berusaha keras untuk memberi anggota tim kami kehidupan kerja sehari-hari yang terbaik, mulai dari tempat kerja. Dari ruang untuk bekerja secara mandiri hingga ruang jaringan yang luas kapan pun mereka membutuhkannya, kami menciptakan lingkungan yang menyenangkan, interaktif, dan ramah. Lebih baik lagi, kantor pusat kami adalah karbon negatif karena atap surya dan sistem penyimpanan energi kami menghasilkan energi dua kali lebih banyak daripada yang digunakannya!

Ditrolic Office Walkway

Life at Ditrolic Energy

We believe that the future of work is much more than just getting the job done. We strive to provide our team members with the best everyday work life, starting from the workplace. From spaces to work independently to ample networking spaces whenever they need it, we create a fun, interactive and sociable environment. Better still, our headquarters is carbon negative as our rooftop solar and energy storage system generates twice as much energy than it uses!

Ditrolic Office Interior

Life at Ditrolic Energy

We believe that the future of work is much more than just getting the job done. We strive to provide our team members with the best everyday work life, starting from the workplace. From spaces to work independently to ample networking spaces whenever they need it, we create a fun, interactive and sociable environment. Better still, our headquarters is carbon negative as our rooftop solar and energy storage system generates twice as much energy than it uses!

Ditrolic Office Common Area

Life at Ditrolic Energy

We believe that the future of work is much more than just getting the job done. We strive to provide our team members with the best everyday work life, starting from the workplace. From spaces to work independently to ample networking spaces whenever they need it, we create a fun, interactive and sociable environment. Better still, our headquarters is carbon negative as our rooftop solar and energy storage system generates twice as much energy than it uses!

Ditrolic Office

Life at Ditrolic Energy

We believe that the future of work is much more than just getting the job done. We strive to provide our team members with the best everyday work life, starting from the workplace. From spaces to work independently to ample networking spaces whenever they need it, we create a fun, interactive and sociable environment. Better still, our headquarters is carbon negative as our rooftop solar and energy storage system generates twice as much energy than it uses!

Ditrolic Working Environment

Life at Ditrolic Energy

We believe that the future of work is much more than just getting the job done. We strive to provide our team members with the best everyday work life, starting from the workplace. From spaces to work independently to ample networking spaces whenever they need it, we create a fun, interactive and sociable environment. Better still, our headquarters is carbon negative as our rooftop solar and energy storage system generates twice as much energy than it uses!

Ditrolic Office Pantry

Life at Ditrolic Energy

We believe that the future of work is much more than just getting the job done. We strive to provide our team members with the best everyday work life, starting from the workplace. From spaces to work independently to ample networking spaces whenever they need it, we create a fun, interactive and sociable environment. Better still, our headquarters is carbon negative as our rooftop solar and energy storage system generates twice as much energy than it uses!

Ditrolic Office Environment

Life at Ditrolic Energy

We believe that the future of work is much more than just getting the job done. We strive to provide our team members with the best everyday work life, starting from the workplace. From spaces to work independently to ample networking spaces whenever they need it, we create a fun, interactive and sociable environment. Better still, our headquarters is carbon negative as our rooftop solar and energy storage system generates twice as much energy than it uses!


Sekilas Ditrolic Energy

Dengarkan dari orang-orang kami


Bekerja sebagai pengawas gudang selama lebih dari 2 tahun. Ini adalah tantangan besar yang memberi saya kesempatan untuk tumbuh dan belajar lebih banyak. Nyaman bekerja di sini bersama rekan-rekan lainnya karena lingkungan kerja yang ramah, salah satu budaya di Ditrolic. Tanggung jawab saya menantang, tetapi tidak ada yang mustahil di sini di Ditrolic; kami selalu menantang diri kami sendiri untuk menjadi yang terbaik dari yang terbaik.

Ditrolic Staff Abu Bakar
Abu Bakar Bin Osman
Supervisor gudang

Being at Ditrolic for over a year, I feel grateful for this opportunity. Since my first day here, I was welcomed into a friendly environment. We help each other to complete tasks and share experiences often.

Ditrolic Staff Zahasra Afizie
Zahasra Afizie Aleya Binti Zahari
Account Assistant

I have been working at Ditrolic for 2 years and 6 months as an Admin Executive. And I have to say, this company has a good working environment. For instance, some companies have a formal culture and expect workers to dress in suitable work attire and follow strict protocols. Meanwhile, Ditrolic grants us more freedom to execute our duties. In addition, co-workers also play a significant role in determining the type of work environment. So far, I am happy working with all my colleagues.

Ditrolic Staff Nursyifaq
Nursyifaq Binti Samsudin
Admin Executive

Having worked here for about 4 years, we are committed to providing cleaner energy solutions. Ditrolic will also ensure that every product meets high standards of reliability and solid performance. As a technician, a major part of my work entails wiring, installing, and maintaining solar photovoltaic panels on roofs and other structures. As far as careers in renewable energy go, the outlook for a solar technician should be sunny for some time to come!

Ditrolic Staff Ku Mohamad Nabil
Ku Mohamad Nabil Bin Ku Shahiri

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